
Multiplying Decimals with Models

Multiplying Decimals with Models and Partial Products MGSE5.NBT.7 Add, subtract, multiply, and divide decimals to hundredths , using concrete models or drawings and strategies based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction; relate the strategy to a written method and explain the reasoning used. The use of symbolic notations involves having students record the answers to computations (2.25 X 3= 6.75),   but this work should not be done without models or pictures .  This standard includes students’ reasoning and explanations of how they use models, pictures, and strategies. Once students understand models, they may move to partial products which leads into standard algorithm multiplication.  This should NOT be the first step to solving decimal computation problems.

Modeling Decimal Addition and Subtraction

Students must understand how to model addition and subtraction with decimals.  The following video helps to demonstrate how to use base ten blocks to model decimals.

Multiplying and Dividing Decimals Using Powers of Ten

Multiplying and Dividing Decimals by Powers of Ten

Comparing Decimals

Comparing Decimals When comparing decimals, students must understand greater than and less than.  Sometimes a number line can help. Reading Symbols < - is less than > - is greater than = - is equal to 0.5  ____ 0.7 0.5    <   0.7 0.5 is less than 0.7 Steps 1. Line up the decimals. 2. Fill in any missing digits with 0s. 3. Compare starting with the LARGEST place value on the left. Examples 1.34 _____ 10.3 Step 1:   1.34 10.3 Step 2: 0 1.34 10.3 0 Step 3: 0 1.34 1 0.30 1.34 < 10.3

Rounding Decimals

Rounding Decimals Rule: 4 or less, let it rest; 5 or more, raise the score. Steps to Rounding: 1. Identify the digit which must be rounded (place value). 2. Look at the number to the RIGHT of the digit. 3. If the digit to the right is 4 or less, the digit remains the SAME.  If the digit to the right is 5 or more, the digit goes up by ONE. Examples: 4.57 rounded to the nearest TENTH. 5.19 rounded to the nearest WHOLE.

Decimal Unit 2 Test (Study Guide)

Study Guide for Unit 2 Topics in Unit 2 Writing Decimals Rounding Decimals Comparing Decimals Ten times and 1/10 of Adding and Subtracting Decimals

Writing Decimals in multiple ways

Writing Decimals in Multiple Ways Standard Form 0.26 Word Form Twenty-six hundredths Expanded Form (2 x 0.1) + (6 x 0.01) or (2 x 1/10) + (6 x 1/100) Model Form